The gardens in summer of 2018
Welcome to the Ted Blowes Memorial Pollinator Peace Garden
In 2017, Stratford’s Communities in Bloom Committee created The Ted Blowes Memorial Pollinator Peace Garden. It was a Canada 150 project which recognizes the contributions of Ted Blowes, our former mayor and one of the founding members of Communities in Bloom. It houses native pollinator plants and this garden has attracted many pollinators since it was established. It helps the pollinators by providing valuable habitat and educates its many visitors as to how they too can help. Visiting CIB judges attended its official opening on July 20, 2017.
Due to the pandemic, Communities in Bloom members took over the care of the garden during the summer is 2020 and 2021. New perennials for pollinators were planted under the bridge. Painted rocks were added to the garden in the shape of butterflies, bees, and ladybugs. Community members also painted rocks with positive sayings to help those who were in need of a pick me up. The pandemic did not keep the pollinators away and many could be seen enjoying the nectar in the garden.
December, 2021
Lights have been added to Confederation bridge. Funding was provided by Shareable Moments and will become part of “Lights on Stratford”.
Summer of 2021
During the second summer of the COVID-19 pandemic, Communities in Bloom’s national theme was Hope is Growing. Yellow, the International colour of Hope was distributed throughout the garden.
Many CIB projects Centred around the “Hope is Growing” theme.
In the spring 3 yellow Butterfly Magnolia trees were planted on the South side of the bridge with plans to add more in 2022.
The wall which at one time housed the letters saying “Confederation Park” was painted with a yellow Tiger Swallowtail by artist Josslyn Hagen.
The bridge once served pedestrians traveling over the CNR train tracks. When the tracks were removed, the bridge became known as the “Bridge to Nowhere”. This summer artist Bareket Kezwer painted the bridge and it is now known as “The Bridge of Hope”.
The stairs are painted with a Radiant Gradiant featuring yellow, the colour of HOPE. This was intended to lift spirits. The south side of the bridge was modeled after the Monarch caterpillar’s markings. The north side of the bridge says “Love and Hope Grow Here”.
The bench located near the Butterfly wall was painted yellow and became a “Chatter Bench” encouraging people to talk to each other once again after many lockdowns during the pandemic.
Ted’s Pollinator Garden continues to be a place where Monarch butterflies are released to help educate the visitors to the garden.
(above) The educational signs were added in October, 2019
“We cannot all do great things. But we can do small things with great love.”
The opening of the Garden
July 20, 2017
The Ted Blowes Memorial Pollinator Peace Garden is a great place to release butterflies. Many Monarch butterflies are released here from July until September when they migrate to Mexico.
The large amount of nectar flowers and milkweed plants make this garden a Monarch Way station.
Time Capsule
Ted’s garden also houses the time capsule created in 2017 for the 150th year of Canada’s confederation.
Confederation Park
Adjacent to The Ted Blowes Memorial Pollinator Peace Garden are the beautiful waterfalls and gardens located in Confederation Park.
Peace Garden
On May 11, 2018, five years after our former mayor passed away, Ted’s garden became a Peace Garden as well as a home for pollinators. Ted Blowes was working on a memorial garden and unfortunately was not able to see it through to completion. His memorial garden reminds us to remember those who brought us the peace we enjoy in his garden.
During the summer of 2019, an educational sign will be added to the garden. On one side, photos of the pollinators that visit the garden will be showcased. The other side will have an aerial photo of the garden showing its butterfly shape as well as photos of the native plants planted here. A QR code will link to a website created generously by Brilliant Images.
educational signs were added during the summer of 2019 as a communities in bloom 25th anniversary project.
Kids save the day!
In October 2018, one of the benches was carried to the top of the bridge. It was thrown over the railing and found smashed.
Nine year old Serenity and ten year old Tristan decided to raise money to replace the bench. The community came to the rescue and the bench was replaced on the 6th Anniversary of Ted’s passing. The children bought, carried and built the new bench.